Tattooing is an old art and does not require formal training. Or maybe, tattoo craftsmen must show their capacities through their masterful ability, their dedication to the specialty, and their experience as a confirmed disciple. Perused this article to figure out how.
1. Finish high school:
2. Consider yourself Tattoo Artist:
3.Pick up a Copy of Basic Fundamentals of Modern Tattoo:
4. Apply for an internship with an experienced tattoo artist:
5. A tattoo machine is not a gun:
6. Always offer your help:
7. Learn how to mop and clean floors:
8. Watch how they handle trash:
9. Find something to do:
10. Get a Moleskine sketchbook:
11. Take an educational course for tattooing:
12. Receive a tattoo certification:
13. Find clients and keep your portfolio updated:
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